Employment Law

Employees are not just an essential part of every business organisation; they are its number one resource. A strong, healthy employer-employee relationship ensures a productive and efficient workplace, which in turn translates to higher client satisfaction and a successful business. Being an employer of choice is a prerequisite to building and maintaining a successful brand name. It is therefore essential for both employers and employees to be aware of their respective legal rights and obligations towards one another and to be able to communicate promptly and efficiently to resolve any issues that may arise in the course of an employment relationship.

Nicholas Ktenas & Co LLC offers a full range of specialised employment law services, advising and representing both employers and employees. Our services in the area of Employment Law include:

  • Legal advice and consultation on labour and employment laws
  • Employment Contracts, Offer Letters, Employee Handbooks and other policy documents, non-disclosure agreements, mutual termination agreements, etc
  • Collective Agreements
  • Employer & Employee rights and obligations
  • Pensions and benefits
  • Health and safety
  • Maternity protection
  • Equal treatment
  • Information and Consultation
  • Transfer of Businesses and employee protection
  • Collective bargaining/ representation before relevant authorities and Trade Unions
  • Legal representation in mediation/ alternative dispute resolution
  • Legal representation before the Industrial Disputes Courts.

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