Nicholas Ktenas receives ICA Certification in AML for ICPAC and CBA Members

Nicholas Ktenas & Co LLC > News > Nicholas Ktenas receives ICA Certification in AML for ICPAC and CBA Members

Nicholas Ktenas has successfully completed the ICA Certification in AML for ICPAC and CBA Members course on 3/7/2023. Nicholas passed with Distinction the new joint examination leading to a certification addressed to Compliance Officers and other interested parties.

The purpose of Anti-Money Laundering (“AML”) and Counter-Terrorism Financing (“CTF”) laws and regulations globally is to prevent criminals from laundering funds and financing terrorism.

Nicholas Ktenas & Co LLC is committed to combating money laundering and terrorism financing (“ML & TF”) and complying with all local and International Anti-Money Laundering laws and regulations.

ICA Certificate

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